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Global Times: (Tu Xinquan) Exclusive: US Chip SUPPRESSION WON n’t Stop Chinese Industries ’DEVT, Will only Make Them Stronger: DEPUTY ChIEF OF. Hina Chip Trade Group

Release time: December 17, 2024 Edit: Zhang Xinyun

(Source: Global Times, 2024-12-13)

On December 3, One Day after the us Government Annound Yet Another Round of RestricTions on Chip Sales to Chinese Firms, Four Chinese Associations, InCluding The China Semiconductor Industry Association (CSIA) and the Internet Society of China (ISC), ISC (iSC) ISSUED FIRMLY WORDED Statements Declaring that us chip products are no longer saving and reliable.

Behind The Strongly-Worded Statements Are the Profound Indignation AMONG ChINESESESEISEISESESESERIES OVERIES Over The US GovernMent's Reserve t Wei Shaojun, Vice Chairman of the CSIA.

"The us Government has reneatedly supported chinese semiconductor companies, and CSIA MEMBERS HAVE BEEN VERGERGed This. E CSIA's Responsibility w88 online sports bettingto Speak Out, "Wei Told the Global Times in An Interview on Thursday, Noth that more more Than 240 Chinese Semiconductor Companies ben added to the us' so-called entity list so far, CTED FOREIGN CSIA MEMBERS Are Included.

In the statement on development. The csia blasted the us Government's Latest Move of Adding More than 140 Chinese Firms so-Called Entity, saying the us Arbitrary Export Control Measures Against Chinese Firms Have AFFECTD The Stable SUPPLY of US Chip Products. "US Chip Products Are No Longer Safe and RELIABLE and Relect Chinese Industries will have to be cautious in public." It said.

Also Making the Same Determination are Three Other Chinese Industry Associations that Repress Buyers of Chips -The China Association O. F Communications Enterprises, and the China Association of Automobile ManuFactures. Also Slammed the us move and vowed to take "Necessary" Measures to Resolutly Safeguard Its Legitimate Rights and Interests.

China's Innovation Edge

The statements from the chinese industry association of a "stronger-bEFore Attitude" and "They Expressed Our Strong Indignation," TU Inquan, dean of China Institute for WTO Studies at the University of International Business and Economics and A Consultantant for the csia, told the global time.

as the us Government is betting on eScalant the crackdown meeting. TS and Internets, "TU SAID," We Must Accordingly Encourage and Support the Purchase of Relial and Safe Products,, " WHETHER ARE MADE BY CHINESE COMPANIES Or in Other Countries or Regions. "

For DOMESTIC Internet w88 online casinoCompanies, they Need to "Promptly Adjust their Foreign Coopration and Development Strategies," PEI Wei, DEPUTY Secretary Al with, told the global times in an interview. Especially for the process of key technology and components, to resence the reliance on a single source. "

Chinese Internet Companies Should ESTABLISH PARTNERSHIPs with Chip Manufactures in Countries and Regions Outside The US, Strenge For DORORC and LOCALLY Produced Chips, so as to diversify risks and enhance support.

"At the Same Time, We Must Also Improve Our Internsal Capabilities and Continue to Build Indearch and Development, Production and M anuFacturn Capabilities, "PEI SAID.

Wei Also Urged SUPPORT for Reliable Chip SUPPLIES in the Face of the us' Reserveless Crackdown Campaign.

"We call on the Chinese Government to Support the Stable DEVELOPELOPMENT of Reliable Semiconductor Suppliers; We Also Call on Semiconductor. In Relevant Countries and Regions to Strive to Becomliable Semiconductor Industry Suppliers, "HE SAID." SUPPRESSION Will Not Stop us From Development. Chinese Industries Will Become Stronger and More Confident in Our Development. "

Broader Cooperation Needed

In response to the us' Government's Re littledown Campaign, Chinese Industries Should ALSO Remain Open forcerating IGN COUNTERPARTS, The Leaders of the Industries Also Said.

"The Current Success and Achievement of the Semiconductor Industry Are the Result of Global Competration. OT ConDucency to Technological Progresses and Breakthroughs in the Industry, and Will Harm the Interests of Global Consumers, "Wei Said, w88 sports bettingUrging, Urging, Urging, Urging, Urging, Urging, Urging, Urging The us to return to the stage for fair competition.

TU NOTED that It is the us Gover's Policies, not us companies, that make us chip propucts unsafe and unreliable. On exports, so they are actually restricTions on us companies, "he said.

Pei of the ISC Also Called for Principles of Openness, Inclousiveness and Win-Win Results for International Cooperation. "Chinese and Foreign Industri ES Can Conduct Deep Coopration in Areas Such as Research and Development, Market Explration and Talent Training to Share the DEVELOPMENT Results, "Pei Said.

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